Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Touché Tuesdays Advice Column

Need advice from Jen? Fill out this form. 

Dear Jen, I am really excited anxious (in a goodish way) for Friday night. We find out where we are going to live next! I have been jumping up and down around the house singing and dancing "We are going to find out sooon!!!". I know it doesn't help finding out any sooner, but I really, really, REALLY want to know where we are going.

How do you handle the anxiety that comes with wait for (hopefully) good news?!?!?
Sincerely, Ms. Rare

Dear Ms. Rare, Congrats on the early arrival of your (hopefully) good news! I’ll cross my fingers that you’ll get someplace way cool. 

The only way for me to deal with anxiety (good or bad) is to fill my head with so many other things that there is no room for the anxiety. I throw myself into a project or read a really good book or pick a television series to watch from beginning to end and pretend that the characters are my friends. 
Maybe ignore that last bit.

Try doing things that release those awesome feel good endorphins in your brain like eating chocolate and/or spicy foods, meditating, exercising, getting it on, and having a massage or acupuncture. Stay away from opiates. I don’t care what Eminem says.

Dear Jen, This is Billy again. You told me not to date my cousin. I’m gonna do it anyway. What kind of flowers should I give her?
XOXO, Billy

Dear Billy, There should be no giving or taking of cousin flowers.


  1. Billy needs help beyond what Whitfield Awesome is capable of (and I have total faith in WA's capabilities).

    Also, what a coincidence, Ms. Rare's question totally relates to me (EXACTLY). I read your answer to Aaron, and his response was "What I got out of that was not to listen to Eminem and stay away from opiates."

    I just wanted to let you know that someone out there IS taking your advice.

  2. I knew that Aaron was a smart dude.
