Friday, June 29, 2012

Featurette Friday: Letters from the Bath

I don't have an explanation for myself or this video. Among it's many features: UFOs, cat butts, pistachio pudding and the statement "I ain't dead in the loins yet". Off the rails. And yes, that was my only glass of wine.

Wanna link up your letters? Head over to Adventures of Newlyweds. 



  1. Awesome and welcome, Bev! I'm gonna hop over and check out your blog now...

  2. Question? Do you really enjoy eating cheeez wiszzz on chocolate? I've never done that before.

    Also, how does it taste with cat butt?

    1. Yes! I really do love easy cheese on chocolate. Like, a lot. It's totes maj. Better without the cat butt, but the cat butt doesn't totally ruin it.

    2. And here's a recipe for you. It sounds like Martha Stewart but it's totally me.

      Melt a bunch of dark chocolate chips in a microwave safe* bowl. Stir in canned cheese. Eat in front of television, preferably having turned television on first.

      *This part is very important. You'll be sad if you use Styrofoam**.

      **In writing this comment, spell/grammar check just made me aware that Styrofoam is a brand, not a thing.

  3. Easy Cheese is pure evil. I bought some as a goof a month ago, and I couldn't even get through half of the can. I have no joke for this, but it really freaked me out how it tasted just like chemicals. And I'm totally cool with chemicals. It made my jaw clench up or something.

    Anyway, thank you for the shout out! Love your blog!

    1. That's the beauty of Easy Cheese. It happens to you - some part of your body seizes up. It's basically meth for poor people. Actually, meth is meth for poor people. It's basically meth for people who value their teeth more than their waistline.

      Thanks for stopping by. Love the blog as much as you can now. Clearly I will be hired by the Easy Cheese marketing dept soon and have no more time for this.

  4. HAHA! Please make more videos. I would definitely invite you to dinner. The Target shopping trip was my items in your basket...hahahaha.

  5. Rocking out to mz new tail swaying around and downing chocolate with cheeswhiz on it. HAHAHA. Oh my gosh. you are legitimately the best.

    1. "Legitimately the best" - I think that should be my new tagline. Can I just say I adore your comments? Yes, I can. This is my blog. I adore your comments.

  6. I found you through your blog angel. Can I just say that this is by far the best blog I have visited in a while! And did you really just put cheese whiz on CHOCOLATE? hahaha

    1. Awesome! Chelsea is the best and I'm glad she lead you here. Yes, cheese whiz on chocolate - try it - it will change your life.
